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mercredi 1 juillet 2020

Real-Time SQL Monitoring : settings

 The Real-Time SQL Monitoring feature of Oracle Database enables monitoring the performance of SQL statements while they are executing. By default, SQL monitoring is automatically started when a SQL statement either runs in parallel or has consumed at least 5 seconds of combined CPU and I/O time in a single execution. 

select ksppinm, ksppstvl, ksppdesc   from sys.x$ksppi a, sys.x$ksppsv b where a.indx=b.indx and lower(ksppinm) like lower('%sqlmon%')  order by ksppinm;


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_sqlmon_binds_xml_format  default   format of column binds_xml in [G]V$SQL_MONITOR

_sqlmon_max_plan          640       Maximum number of plans entry that can be monitored. Defaults to 20 per CPU

_sqlmon_max_planlines     300       Number of plan lines beyond which a plan cannot be monitored

_sqlmon_recycle_time      60        Minimum time (in s) to wait before a plan entry can be recycled

_sqlmon_threshold         5         CPU/IO time threshold before a statement is monitored. 0 is disabled