Collected posts: Oracle, SQL, PL/SQL, Performance, Security...(More than 300 blogs)
ORA-29284: file read error for a few lines
Hi Experts, Thanks for taking the time out to ready my Question. I am
receiving a file from a third party as a flat file, with different lines of
Il y a 13 heures
Create a table out of nothing
sql table out of nothing
Il y a 13 heures
The Generic Tips (was: python and Oracle)
TL;DR: Some Very Basic Tips, to write better programs and tools. In my
recent case: using *python* and *Oracle*. But in the handover to
colleagues, I cam...
Il y a 15 heures
Installing Oracle Database Sample Schemas from GitHub
In April 2023, Oracle released an updated Oracle Database Sample Schemas
version on GitHub. I was involved in the effort, which not only updated the
data b...
Il y a 18 heures
Vectors in Oracle Database 23ai FREE
This is a long overdue post which arose initially from a discussion with
Philipp Hartenfeller way back in August 2024. I made a note to blog about
it, head...
Il y a 1 jour
Vectors in Oracle Database 23ai FREE
This is a long overdue post which arose initially from a discussion with
Philipp Hartenfeller way back in August 2024. I made a note to blog about
it, head...
Il y a 1 jour
Wrapping and Unwrapping PL/SQL
Introduction Today I released a PL/SQL Unwrapper for VS Code. You can find
it in the VS Code Marketplace, along with instructions on how to use it.
It’s ...
Il y a 2 jours
Hard to believe there is progress at IRS.
Note to self !!! There is no need for data entries nor attachments.
Il y a 3 jours
Pre-Authenticated Requests (PARs) for your Oracle REST APIs
Did you know Oracle REST Data Services now supports generating
Pre-Authenticated Requests (PARs) for any of your Oracle Database REST
APIs? Examples and ...
Il y a 3 jours
Planned Maintenance to My Oracle Cloud Support on Friday, March 14, 2025
Applies To: Customers
Planned Maintenance to My Oracle Cloud Support on Friday, March 14, 2025
My Oracle Cloud Support will be unavailab...
Il y a 3 jours
Listener Error TNS-12518 And User Error ORA-28545 Using DG4MSQL on Windows
Hello, When you are using DG4MSQL via dblink to connect to SQL*Server and a
connection gives the following error; select * from satis@saleslink; select
* f...
Il y a 3 jours
sqlnet.ora and ldap.ora parameters in jdbc thin url
Using the latest instant client, the Easy Connect Plus improvement let you
parametrise your jdbc url more intensively
Il y a 3 jours
Mahjong Slot Gacor: Menyediakan Pengalaman Bermain yang Menarik
Mahjong Slot Gacor: Menyediakan Pengalaman Bermain yang Menarik Mahjong
slot gacor menjadi salah satu permainan yang sedang populer di kalangan
pemain ma...
Il y a 4 jours
Internalizing Principles: From Personal Action to Planetary Transformation
We often place our hopes in external systems: governments, institutions,
even technology. But as history teaches us, these structures are only as
Il y a 4 jours
Video on Client Connectivity options for RAC
Last month, I had posted a new Video on Client Connectivity options in RAC.
It shows different methods of Client (ie. Applications as well !) -- not
Il y a 4 jours
A Resource Manager CPU Time Limit for PS/Queries Executed On-line in the PIA
In previous posts, I have proposed:
- A Sample Oracle Database Resource Manager Plan for PeopleSoft. It can
be downloaded from Github: PSFT_PLAN....
Il y a 5 jours
Sessionless Transactions - the moving target
Sessionless Transactions are quite new to Oracle.
Some might argue this is not true: XA transactions are available since
Oracle 7.
The new Sessionless Tra...
Il y a 5 jours
Go Config & PostgreSQL
Finally, I got around to building a GO environment with PostgreSQL on
Ubuntu. Next, I’ll need to sort out how to extend it to Oracle and MySQL.
The only te...
Il y a 6 jours
SQL Quarantine Behaviour When the Same SQL Executes in Different Resource
Manager Consumer Groups With Different CPU Time Limits
What happens if I have two consumer groups with different CPU time limits,
but the same long-running SQLs can be run in either group?
There is a use case f...
Il y a 6 jours
SQL table macros 15: parameterized views revisited
In my previous post, I tried to use views and macros together as an
equivalent to parameterized views. Unfortunately, my generic macro can’t
handle bind va...
Il y a 6 jours
Transparent Application Continuity (TAC) hands-on
Preamble Transparent Application Continuity (TAC) is an extension of
Application Continuity (AC) that ensure a transparent recover of database
sessions (...
Il y a 1 semaine
AI and Oracle Security
Can we use AI in Oracle security? - yes as an answer? we can but how
effective it would be means the answer is maybe? It depends on what we want
to use AI ...
Il y a 1 semaine
Kepler’s Mars Orbit Analysis with Python Notebooks & AI-Assisted Coding
*Johannes Kepler*’s analysis of Mars’ orbit stands as one of the *greatest
achievements* in scientific history, revealing the elliptical nature of
Il y a 1 semaine
Troubleshooting Oracle GoldenGate Macro Error OGG-10143 in Extract Process
Oracle GoldenGate (OGG) macros are used to simplify repetitive tasks in
parameter files. However, misconfigurations...
The post Troubleshooting Oracle Go...
Il y a 1 semaine
Enhanced simple CASE statement syntax in Oracle 23ai
Oracle 23ai extends the syntax of the so-called "simple" CASE statement in
PL/SQL, that is the version of CASE where an expression appears right after
the ...
Il y a 1 semaine
PostgreSQL : optimiser vos opérations vacuum et analyze !
Hello pour commencer cette année 2025 , voici un petit article PostgreSQL
ou l’on vous présente comment optimiser les opérations de maintenance que
sont ...
Il y a 1 semaine
Setting up a High-Availability (HA) Architecture with OCI Load Balancer and
Compute Instances
Ensuring high availability (HA) for your applications is critical in
today’s cloud-first environment. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) provides
robust too...
Il y a 1 semaine
Virtual Nuisance
Here’s a note that’s been sitting as a draft for the last 7 years – finally
dusted down, retested, and published. Following my new publishing paradigm,
Il y a 2 semaines
Oracle Database 23AI session-related scripts.
*Oracle Database 23AI session-related scripts.*
*##Columns Name Details###*
sid - session identifier
serial# - session serial number
osuser - operat...
Il y a 2 semaines
Oracle AI Vector Search Certified Professional
I am delighted to share that I have successfully passed the required exam
and achieved “Oracle AI Vector Search Certified Professional”
Il y a 2 semaines
JSON strict and lax syntax in Oracle Database | Pt 3: Type Conversions (SQL
A recent forum post prompted me to look into JSON syntax rules and their
implications more closely. The way I read the JSON Developer’s Guide, there
are tw...
Il y a 2 semaines
Free PostgreSQL Performance Monitoring with pgNow
I’ve been putting together a new PostgreSQL session called “Performance
Monitoring for the Absolute Beginner.” There are several ways to get an
Il y a 3 semaines
Wissensmanagement in Unternehmen: Von einer Sprach-Kultur über eine
Schrift-Kultur zur KI-Kultur
Wissen ist eine der wertvollsten Ressourcen eines Unternehmens. Künstliche
Intelligenz ermöglicht da viele neue Möglichkeiten – wenn die Informationen
in p...
Il y a 3 semaines
MySQL Performance Tuning with Releem
Introduction If your application uses MySQL and you’re interested in
getting the best out of it via performance tuning and monitoring, then
Releem is a v...
Il y a 4 semaines
Building a Multi-Persona Chat App with LLMs: Prompt Engineering, Reasoning,
and API Challenges
Recently, I started working on a multi-persona chat application as a hobby
project. You can find it here, along with complete documentation on how to
Il y a 4 semaines
Getting Data LLM-Ready with JSON in Oracle Database
If you are building an AI-powered application, especially with tools and
function calling you know that using JSON could greatly improve the
accuracy of...
Il y a 4 semaines
Sitemap - All posts on this blog 1. SQL Introduction 2. SQL Update 3. SQL
Delete 4. SQL / PLSQL Interview Questions 5. PLSQL Cursors 6. PLSQL
Triggers 7. S...
Il y a 4 semaines
Simple Talk Podcasts
Yeah, the guys introduced me on the podcast, so now they’re stuck with me!
I won’t be on all of
Tags: podcast
Il y a 4 semaines
Este distractiv să faci imposibilul
Istoria aparține celor care reușesc să facă ceea ce toți ceilalți cred că
nu se poate. Nu pentru că sunt doar curajoși, ci mai ales pentru că sunt
Il y a 4 semaines
HABITS help us align our values with daily
HABITS are daily and our daily life is decided by our HABITS. Good (or) bad
our life is decided by HABITS Our values define our life and it is possible
to ...
Il y a 5 semaines
Oracle 19c: Online Statistics Gathering и скорость выполнения операций Drop
/ Truncate Partition
Начиная с 19 версии Partitioned Table Statistics Changed After Truncate
Partition or Drop Partition Operation (Doc ID 2970098.1) On Oracle 19C, a
Il y a 1 mois
Matplotlib Oracle Example
Introduction Everyone who has heard the old saying “a picture is worth a
thousand words” appreciates its simple wisdom. With Oracle databases you
have situ...
Il y a 1 mois
Five Years (as David Bowie once sang) – How Covid-19 started for me.
It was about now (10th Jan) 5 years ago when I first became aware of
something a little bit wrong happening in China. There was a news article
in “New Scie...
Il y a 2 mois
Five Years (as David Bowie once sang) – How Covid-19 started for me.
It was about now (10th Jan) 5 years ago when I first became aware of
something a little bit wrong happening in China. There was a news article
in “New Scie...
Il y a 2 mois
EBR – Part 13: The Trouble with Foreign Keys with ON DELETE Clause and
Related Triggers
This is part 13 of a post series about Oracle Edition-Based Redefinition.
Visit the index page for all the parts of the series Introduction As I
wrote in...
Il y a 2 mois
Reflections on a year of biking for 2024
Since shortly after moving to Seattle in July 2022, I have not driven a
car. I’ve gotten around by bike and public transit. During 2023, I stayed
mostly in...
Il y a 2 mois
Install Oracle 23ai ASM on Linux from Exadata Sources
Why Oracle 23ai from Exadata? With Oracle Database 23ai being postponed to
a later date (“tba”) in November 2024, and many people not being part of
the Ora...
Il y a 2 mois
Interval Search: Part 4. Dynamic Range Segmentation – interval quantization
Forums, mailing lists, and StackOverflow are all great resources for Oracle
performance discussions, but I’ve long thought it would be useful to have a
Il y a 2 mois
Outliers, high-entropy and flex columns in JSON-to-Duality
Fun fact: by coffee consumption by country in 2024, Finland is #1 in the
world. If you are familiar with JSON and still wondering about the meaning
of the ...
Il y a 2 mois
Outliers, high-entropy and flex columns in JSON-to-Duality
Fun fact: by coffee consumption by country in 2024, Finland is #1 in the
world. If you are familiar with JSON and still wondering about the meaning
of the ...
Il y a 2 mois
Inspecting container checkpoints with checkpointctl
One of the newer features in Kubernetes (1.30 and later) is the Kubelet
Checkpoint API. This new API allows users to create a stateful copy of a
running co...
Il y a 2 mois
UKOUG Discover 2024
Yesterday was the last day of the UKOUG Discover 2024 conference, and I had
two talks between 13:00-15:00. It’s been about 4 years since my last
Il y a 3 mois
pre-post check script
# set the DB env and run
# Script to check PRE & Post checks Manually
# CB - -...
Il y a 4 mois
Something fun to do, a word search!!
From days gone by. I had this in some of the courses I
wrote while at Hotsos as a filler for some blank pages.
Il y a 4 mois
Microsoft Fabric
Data Factory (
*Create a Data Flow*
Create your first Microsoft Fabric dataflow - Microsoft Fabric | Microsoft
Getting Started wi...
Il y a 4 mois
Restore Standby Database from Standby Backups
This post shows the steps for full restoring (controlfile + data files) for
a standby database using standby database backups. The same could be
achieved u...
Il y a 5 mois
Reflections on Founder Mode
Paul Graham’s Founder Mode is an important piece, and you should read it if
for no other reason that “founder mode” will surely enter the lexicon (and
as G...
Il y a 6 mois
Staging Tables in Oracle 23ai
Browsing through the Oracle 23ai New Features Guide, I once again
discovered a small, inconspicuous feature that I had previously overlooked:
There is a ne...
Il y a 7 mois
Caveat on index compression advanced low
The first time I played with the ADVANCED LOW option of index compression I
got burned. I’m still in the process of getting burned. I don’t have much
info ...
Il y a 8 mois
Client-side database connection timeout insanity
Attributed to Einstein but considered a dubious association, the quote is
something like “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and
expecting diff...
Il y a 8 mois
Oracle EBS R12.1.3 autoconfig failed with Error -
In one of our csutomer Environment during the Oracle E-Business suite
siwtchover activity we encounted the following error during exeuction of
autoconfig. ...
Il y a 9 mois
Modifying ORDS Jetty Parameters
Recently we were working on an issue that was occurring to developers in
Oracle Application Express’s (APEX) Page Designer. When we would attempt to
Il y a 9 mois
How to add new disk at Oracle Linux?
You may need to add disk to your server. Adding a disk to Oracle Linux
involves several steps, including identifying the disk, partitioning it if
Il y a 9 mois
Pickleball & Longevity
Studien zufolge trägt die Trendsportart Pickleball in nahezu idealer Weise
zur Langlebigkeit bei! Wer möchte nicht sein Leben bei guter Gesundheit um
10 Ja...
Il y a 9 mois
Difference Between OCI Load Balancer & Network Load Balancer by A-Team….
So this is more of me putting this article for my own memory. Oracle’s
A-Team( has put together probably the best article on
the diffe...
Il y a 9 mois
One of my newsletter readers was asking me about the difference between
“AGI” and “AI”. In one issue of my newsletter last year, I put it this way:
Il y a 10 mois
New views in Oracle Data Guard 23c
Oracle Data Guard 23c comes with many nice improvements for observability,
which greatly increase the usability of Data Guard in environments with a
Il y a 1 an
I Cannot Participate in the Genocide | I Quit Blogging on Oracle Products
Since Oracle declared its "*stand with Israel*", it puts me in a moral
dilemma, in one hand my main intention of blogging was to share the
knowledge with...
Il y a 1 an
The converged Christmastree
With this year’s converged Christmas tree, we achieved a particularly
special variety. It not only contains the Multifir Christmas tree (...)
Der Beitrag...
Il y a 1 an
The converged Christmastree
With this year’s converged Christmas tree, we achieved a particularly
special variety. It not only contains the Multifir Christmas tree (...)
Der Beitrag...
Il y a 1 an
Introducing the All New Data Vault Alliance Professional Membership
This is very exciting news to everyone interested is upping their
#DataVault 2.0 game with access to exclusive member benefits including
regular coaching a...
Il y a 1 an
enq: TM - contention Wait Event , Cause, Related SQL queries, Possible
The "enq: TM - contention" wait event in Oracle indicates contention for a
table-level lock. This contention occurs when multiple sessions are
attempting t...
Il y a 1 an
Oracle Database Service options for Azure Customers
We saw Larry Ellison visit Redmond for the first time to make an important
partnership announcement with Satya Nadella. Yesterday’s announcement shows
we h...
Il y a 1 an
Best model from UK clients to set-up offshore development centre in India
Introduction: Built to operate model generally is heard in the
infrastructure industry, nowadays IT businesses are also constantly seeking
innovative sol...
Il y a 1 an
The End Of Richard Foote’s Oracle Blog (“Rock ‘n’ Roll Suicide”)
Of all my many Oracle blog posts, this particular post will remain with
me the longest, for not only is it the last blog post I’ve done in a while,
but i...
Il y a 1 an
SPM baseline and historical execution plans
I have often wondered why when we consult a past execution plan that is
protected by an SPM baseline, there is no Note at the bottom of that
execution plan...
Il y a 2 ans
SPM baseline and historical execution plans
I have often wondered why when we consult a past execution plan that is
protected by an SPM baseline, there is no Note at the bottom of that
execution plan...
Il y a 2 ans
GoodBye 2022, Hello 2023
2022 has been a peaceful and kind year both professionally and personally
for me. I began the year as an AWS Data Lab Solution Architect, helping
external ...
Il y a 2 ans
Sql2Odi - best practices for auto-generating your ETL content
I blogged a while ago about our Sql2Odi tool that converts SELECT (and WITH
as well) statements into Oracle ODI Mappings. (Blog posts 1, 2 and 3.)
Now th...
Il y a 2 ans
World Cup 2022 Challenge online!
For the last 16 years, with every big football tournament (World Cup and
Euro Cup), we've launched an Oracle APEX app where you can predict the
scores of...
Il y a 2 ans
New works by John Williams Waterhouse “discovered”
Is there an artist you liked, but would love to have seen more works by? I
always liked John William Waterhouse and wished there were more pieces. You
may ...
Il y a 2 ans
Use of packet capture and other advanced tools in network issues
Introduction In this post I’m sharing my recent experience troubleshooting
a rather complex performance issue. The issue showed up during performance
Il y a 2 ans
VS Code: Removal of Trailing Spaces
The Windows\Linux keyboard shortcut for removing trailing spaces in VS Code
is: Ctrl + K Ctrl + X On macOS it is: ⌘ + K ⌘ + X Alternatively you can
access ...
Il y a 2 ans
“Oracle Database Security with practice solution” books
Finally I would like to say I made it. First time in Azerbaijan , I
published “Oracle Database Security with practice solution” books. I
strongly recommend...
Il y a 2 ans
Running High Scale Low Latency Database with Zero Data In Memory?
I was talking to one of my oldest database colleagues (and a very dear
friend of mine). We were chatting about how key/value stores and databases
are evo...
Il y a 3 ans
The Biggest Gap In The Clouds? High Performance RDBMS
Over the course of the last few blog posts, we’ve looked at how an
increasing number of database workloads are migrating to the cloud, how
there is more th...
Il y a 3 ans
Puppy remembrance virtual goodbye session
Our dear friend Pieter left us unexpectedly in July, a lot of people
couldn't say goodbye yet.
Therefore we organise a virtual goodbye ceremony
We wi...
Il y a 3 ans
How can Oracle help with Zero-Trust Security Model?
*An overview of Zero Trust Security Architecture*
Zero trust is an IT security approach to keeping sensitive data safe while
complying with new privacy r...
Il y a 3 ans
Moving Databases from ASM to ZFS on Exadata
Exadata is the best database machine available to run every Oracle database
workload. But many times, within Exadata proliferate a large number of test
Il y a 3 ans
A study of the Linux kernel PCI subsystem with QEMU
*Oracle Linux kernel engineer Dongli Zhang provides a cheat sheet on how to
utilize QEMU to study the Linux kernel PCI subsystem.*
The Linux PCI sub...
Il y a 3 ans
Video: Updated Tour of Database Actions & JSON
Video tour and demonstration of our latest JSON interface in Database
Actions (formally SQL Developer Web) for the Oracle Database.
The post Video: Updat...
Il y a 3 ans
pgbouncer and slow server pool increase
This post is about an issue I ran into when trying to use pgbouncer in
front of Yugabyte YSQL, the postgres layer yugabyte reuses for handling
relational d...
Il y a 3 ans
Certification Tests – A Necessary Evil
Originally posted on Mike Gangler's Musings:
In today’s database market, getting certified is becoming more of a
requirement than previous years.?? The cur...
Il y a 3 ans
Certification Tests – A Necessary Evil
Originally posted on Mike Gangler's Musings:
In today’s database market, getting certified is becoming more of a
requirement than previous years.?? The cur...
Il y a 3 ans
Sending Push Notifications from Oracle Notification Service with Oracle
Functions and Pushover
The Oracle Notification Service is an extraordinary service. I’ve blogged
about it in the past (see the Complete Guide to the Oracle Notification
Il y a 3 ans
Oracle Identity and Access Management 12c Upgrade Factory
Organizations want to reduce complexity and achieve more control across an
increasingly complicated technology landscape. The dynamics and logistics
are ...
Il y a 3 ans
Introducing Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Vulnerability Scanning Service
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure puts the security of critical workloads at the
center of our cloud infrastructure. This modern public cloud is built with
Il y a 3 ans
Fusion Middleware Support Monthly Blog Index - March 2021
Welcome to the Monthly Index for March 2021
The following provides quick links to recent Fusion Middleware Proactive
Support Blog postings from over the ...
Il y a 3 ans
ANNOUNCING: Systems Engineering Forum - Modernizing Enterprise
Infrastructure with Oracle ...
Oracle Systems Engineering is hosting a webinar on Oracle Solaris and SPARC
systems in the North America time zone on April 13th, 2021. Join us live at
Il y a 3 ans
ANNOUNCING: Systems Engineering Forum - Modernizing Enterprise
Infrastructure with Oracle ...
Oracle Systems Engineering will be hosting a webinar on Oracle Solaris and
SPARC systems in the North America time zone on April 13th, 2021. Join us
Il y a 3 ans
Autonomous Database Newsletter - March 8, 2021
March 8, 2021
Newsletter For
Autonomous Database
on Shared Exadata Infrastructure
Welcome to our latest customer newsletter for Autonomous Databa...
Il y a 4 ans
The FIRST and LAST (a.k.a. “KEEP”) aggregate functions are very useful when
you want to order a row set by one column and return the value of another
Il y a 4 ans
Celebrating 25 Years of Java
Twenty-five years after its initial premier, Java is still the most widely
used development language in the world. It continues to be a favorite
Il y a 4 ans
Upcoming talks UTOUG, INSYNC, and Uzbekistan INHA University.
March and April are booking up fast. Getting real busy and loving life.
Utah Oracle Users Group (UTOUG) March 17 – 18 Keynote: “Curves ahead:
Emerging tech...
Il y a 4 ans
Oracle ODA 19.10 Will Support KVM for Hard Partitioning of Oracle Databases
Major announcement made by the ODA team last week that this release will
be the last release to support After this release, customers
will hav...
Il y a 4 ans
Optimizer Real-time Statistics Parameter in RU 19.10 Onwards
The Oracle Database 21c database initialisation parameter
*optimizer_real_time_statistics* has been backported to Oracle Database 19c
RU 10.
The real-ti...
Il y a 4 ans
Am I running from inside a (DBMS_SCHEDULER) Job?
I’ve talked about improving your code instrumentation in the past, in
particular how to use conditional compilation for your extra logger calls.
See Debugg...
Il y a 4 ans
Oracle Database 21c Automatic In-Memory Enhancements
In Oracle Database 21c the Database In-Memory feature Automatic In-Memory
(AIM) has been significantly enhanced. I wrote a blog post about AIM when
it fi...
Il y a 4 ans
"WIn16 :Z:\ Module 02 Footprinting and Reconnaissance\Website Mirroring
Tools\HTTrack Web Site Copier and double-click httrack_x64-3.49.2.exe to
launch the...
Il y a 4 ans
How to solve ORA-19505: failed to identify file in RMAN?
Reason: Archive log is deleted from os level and catalog is not
Posted by Pavan DBA on January 18, 2011
DBA’s will feel bad when they got a...
Il y a 4 ans
"ORA-02020: too many database links in use "
Cause: The current session has exceeded the INIT.ORA open_links maximum.
To find:
Il y a 4 ans
ORA-65140: invalid common profile name
How to solve if you get an error “ORA-65140” while creating a profile on
Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release . Let us see how
we can ...
Il y a 4 ans
Read [PDF] Suits A Woman on Wall Street
*Download PDF Suits A Woman on Wall Street*
PDF EPub Doc EBooks Rtf Mobipocket Kindle
Il y a 4 ans
Hardening Apache ZooKeeper security using zkpolicy
Apache ZooKeeper is an open-source server which enables highly reliable
distributed coordination. Distributed applications can use it to maintain
Il y a 4 ans
3 Benefits of Migrating to Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager (OLVM)
3 Benefits of Migrating to Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager (OLVM) As
Oracle VM inches ever closer to its 2021 end of support date, Oracle VM
users have...
Il y a 4 ans
Advance Your Career with New 2020 Credentials
We’re excited to announce the release of many new 2020 certification exams.
Being certified on the latest release ensures you stay current on Oracle
Il y a 4 ans
New Performance Tuning batch from 25th May [demo on 23rd May]
*Oracle Performance Tuning batch from 25th May [demo on 23rd May]*
Duration: 20 classes Frequency: 5 days a week Timings: 7 – 8 AM IST Demo
date & time...
Il y a 4 ans
Unix - Automatically notifiy when disk space is running low
It's good to be forewarned when one of your volumes or diskspace is running
low before it actually runs out (100% used). I have seen many databases
hang wh...
Il y a 5 ans
Following Various Legal Action Regarding “Oracle Cloud Revenue”
As a courtesy, I would like to provide a copy of the latest legal document
filed in an action being brought against Oracle leadership resulting from
Il y a 5 ans
New Parallel Distribution Method For Direct Path Loads
Starting with version 12c Oracle obviously has introduced another parallel
distribution method for direct path loads (applicable to INSERT APPEND and
CTAS ...
Il y a 5 ans
The "Practical Oracle SQL" book is available...
You all know I've been writing on this book called "Practical Oracle SQL",
[image: Practical Oracle SQL front cover]
Well, now it's available for ...
Il y a 5 ans
SQL Puzzle - Calendar of Current Year
With this post, I want to share a SQL Puzzle to *Generate the Complete
Calendar of Current Year*. As you can see in the desired output
- Month names shoul...
Il y a 5 ans
ORA 29648 Error Java Mismatch
Error Msg = ORA-29548: Java system class reported: joxcsys: release
mismatch, 1.8 in database (classes.bin) vs
1.8 in execu...
Il y a 5 ans
Rankings for Logic Annual Championship for 2019
You will find below the rankings for the Logic Annual Championship for
2019, held in February 2020 on the Oracle Dev Gym. The number next to the
Il y a 5 ans
APEX Component Settings for Switch
While I point out a 'hidden' setting for Switch items in APEX, I want to
comment on two related item types found in Oracle APEX => radio buttons ...
Il y a 5 ans
I went to Techfest 2019 in Brighton. While I was there I saw a presentation
by somebody from Pythian. He said that Oracle Database Express Edition is
now v...
Il y a 5 ans
I have been working on upgrading Oracle databases to Oracle 19.3
when I ran into a problem that took me quite awhile to figure out. I did a
Il y a 5 ans
Oracle SQL has a really neat feature to log the rows that failed to be
processed during DML statement (INSERT / UPDATE / DELETE / MERGE ). This is
really g...
Il y a 5 ans
Exadata storage cell rolling restart caused datafile and redo log file
header block corruptions
24 hours passed – still at work. Struggling to start up the database which
was corrupted during cell storage rolling restart procedure. And I’ve never
Il y a 5 ans
DBMS_CLOUD : Loading a TEXT file without any DELIMITER
Recently I was working on an issue related to loading data from a flat file
on to Autonomous Data Warehouse using dbms_cloud api. While lot has been
Il y a 5 ans
Response to Make database simpler
I read an interesting and thought provoking blog this morning Make Oracle
database simple again Much of is is common sense and is really best
practise – n...
Il y a 5 ans
Getting an excel list of all Azure Virtual machines
Now i don't think i'm unique in getting frustrated that from some of the
Azure portal screens there is no download as csv option or a more effective
Il y a 5 ans
Get toast chunk_id from the user table tuples or from the toast index
thanks to pageinspect
Introduction TOAST stands for “The Oversized-Attribute Storage Technique”
and allows to broke up large fields value into multiple physical rows (see
the Po...
Il y a 5 ans
Get toast chunk_id from the user table tuples or from the toast index
thanks to pageinspect
Introduction TOAST stands for “The Oversized-Attribute Storage Technique”
and allows to broke up large fields value into multiple physical rows (see
the Po...
Il y a 5 ans
PL/SQL & SQL Coding Guidelines Version 3.6
PL/SQL & SQL Coding Guidelines Version 3.6
Il y a 5 ans
Truncate (or drop!) partition without disturbing global non partitioned
The problem Typical problem with partition tables is partition pruning and
problems with global non partitioned index on them. From the theory, if you
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Human readable JSON, stored in BLOB
Currently Oracle (we're using Oracle 18c at the moment) is still
recommending to store your JSON document in a BLOB column. More efficient,
no character ...
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Delphix XPP explained
This article was originally posted on the Delphix Support blog on 15-Nov
2015, but with the deprecation of the XPP feature with the new 6.0 release
and hig...
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My Presentations at Germany Oracle User Group Conference (DOAG2019)
Next week I will be presenting the two following topics at Germany Oracle
User Group Conference (DOAG2019): Cloning Oracle EBS Database With Snapshot
for D...
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My Presentations at Germany Oracle User Group Conference (DOAG2019)
Next week I will be presenting the two following topics at Germany Oracle
User Group Conference (DOAG2019): Cloning Oracle EBS Database With Snapshot
for D...
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Exadata X8M - World's Fastest Database Machine
Exadata X8M has launched during OOW 2019, and termed as world's fastest
Database Machine. Let's walkthrough about new additions that has made X8M
as world...
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SQLPATH/login.sql Not Run…. Again!
SQLPATH/login.sql will fail to run in 19c on Windows if the SQLPATH value
isn't to Oracle's liking. A simple rename can workaround the problem.
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Logical Domains and Micro Partitions
Consolidation of different workloads often involves the use of
virtualization technologies and/or partitioning of a physical server
platform. Scenarios ...
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Add Oracle Linux 8 Vagrant box
When using Oracle Linux (a lot) for local development you most likely want
to use Vagrant to quickly deploy new environments locally. Oracle
originally sup...
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Pluggable Database Cloning using Snapshot Copy
You need to be logged in to see this part of the content. Please Login to
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MySQL history list effect on the latest record version reads
Mysql has a Multi Version Consistency Control(MVCC) to deal with Isolation
part of ACID. Mysql effectively keeps the old row versions as long as
needed for...
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MySQL Parallel Index Range Scans: One is Sometimes Better Than Two
As presented at the Percona Live Conference in Austin in May, at Alibaba we
are working on adding support for parallel query execution to POLARDB for
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OGB Appreciation Day: free cloud and people
Thank you, Tim Hall (, for the OGB Appreciation Day! First
of all I am thankful for the people like …
Continue reading →
Il y a 5 ans
OGB Appreciation Day: free cloud and people
Thank you, Tim Hall (, for the OGB Appreciation Day! First
of all I am thankful for the people like …
Continue reading →
Il y a 5 ans
Rounding Timestamp Values with Fractional Seconds
Lately, I had to deal with a timestamp value with an overly long sequence
of decimal digits, coming as a string in ISO 8601 format :
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Access Path Suggestor - Postgresql
Here is an improved access path suggestor from postgresql metadata. Based
from my Oracle version. In addition to visualized path alternative this
Il y a 5 ans
This site contains links to material relevent to my professional life. I'm
an IT professional with experience in a range of disciplines and
technologies ...
Il y a 5 ans
OEM SSL Cipher Hardening Reset After Securing OMS
I have recently been installing Oracle Enterprise Manager at several sites,
and one of the key requirements has been to ensure that the installation
isn’t ...
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Updates et Compression HCC (1)
Dans cet article je souhaiterais vous montrer ce qu'il se passe
concrètement quand un update est effectué sur des lignes compressées en HCC
Il y a 5 ans
Completed Oracle 12c Database OCP Certification
Dear All,
Alhumdulilah Completed Oracle 12c OCP Certification after working hard in
Oracle 12c Databases.
Worked & Studied Rigorously on Oracle 12c Da...
Il y a 5 ans
Sometimes the Simplest Things Are the Most Important
I didn’t ride in First Class a lot during my career, but I can remember one
trip, I was sitting in seat 1B. Aisle seat, very front row. Right behind
the la...
Il y a 5 ans
Version Conflicts among development maintained and customized templates
encountered; aborting AutoConfig run
*Issues : *
*Autoconfig Failing.*
Enter the APPS user password:
The log file for this session is ...
Il y a 5 ans
MIN/MAX Optimization and Asynchronous Global Index Maintenance
In this short post I would like to point out a non-obvious issue that one
of my customers recently hit. On the one hand, it’s a typical case where
the quer...
Il y a 5 ans
TIP 120 - How much memory my Linux process is using
_uacct = "UA-2338271-1"; urchinTracker(); Just came across some notes
regarding Linux memory and I thought to share the below tip on how to find
out memory...
Il y a 5 ans
Security Alert CVE-2019-2729 Released
Oracle has just released Security Alert CVE-2019-2729. This vulnerability
affects a number of versions of Oracle WebLogic Server and has a CVSS Base
Il y a 5 ans
Dbvisit Standby Version 9 has landed!
Dbvisit Standby, Disaster Recovery, Oracle
[image: Dbvisit blog preview image]
Dbvisit Standby Version 9 has landed!
Wow what an exciting time at Dbvisit ...
Il y a 5 ans
Petit lexique du BigData
Avec l’importance grandissante des technologies BigData, les entreprises se
sont retrouvées confrontées à une multitude de nouvelles notions, qu’elles
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Package and distribute a Scala jar to run on the command line
Add this to pom.xml – (update the mainClass to match your program): In
Eclipse right click project and run as Maven build with goal=package Sample
output f...
Il y a 5 ans
CDB Fleet in Oracle Database 18c
RSS content
Oracle database 18c introduces a new CDB Fleet feature which allows many
CDBs to be managed as one. A CDB fleet is a collection of CDBs and...
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Identifying PostgreSQL Bloat and fixing it without downtime
Original Post can be viewed at Identifying PostgreSQL Bloat and fixing it
without downtime
MVCC (Multi-Version Concurrency Control) feature allows databa...
Il y a 5 ans
Oracle Ksplice introduces Known Exploit Detection functionality
The Oracle Ksplice team has added some really cool new functionality in
Oracle Ksplice. Instead of writing and copying the blog pretty much, just
go dire...
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Playing with Oracle Database Security Assessment Tool (DBSAT)
The Database Security Assessment Tool (DBSAT) is an incredible free command
line tool provided by Oracle Corporation as a utility to help you verify
your d...
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Hierarchical Query with search parameters (Pruning)
The following is a query from a friend, Reproducing it here: I have a menu
structure using a hierarchical query. i have search field to enter some
string a...
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Oracle Certification Highlights – March
Oracle Certification highlights provides insight on new exams, exam
preparation, exams that are retiring, program announcements, and all the
great things t...
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Filtering in the APEX Interactive Grid
Remember Oracle Forms?
One of the nice features of Forms was the use of GLOBAL items. More or less
comparable to Application Items in APEX. These GLOBALS w...
Il y a 5 ans
OEM Target Discovery and One Potential Source of Duplicates
With OEM 12c came a feature that I've come to appreciate, the ability to
discover all targets on a given environment. Part of my appreciation is
the remo...
Il y a 6 ans
Statspack Documentation
There is a lot of information on Statspack on the web but I have not found
the official Statspack documentation except for Oracle 9i. As of Oracle 10g
the ...
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Why JAVA Is A Top Career Option for Beginners
There are multiple platforms and streams for developing a product or
application. When we talk of technologies and programming languages, Java
is the most ...
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Scripts to deal with SQL Plan Baselines, SQL Profiles and SQL Patches
To mitigate SQL performance issues, I do make use of SQL Plan Baselines,
SQL Profiles and SQL Patches, on a daily basis. Our environments are
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The Ultimate guide to DevOps Tools Part #4 : Docker
In this series that related to DevOps Tools that helps you as DBA to
automate your work and make it easier for you , this will be the last part
for Docker....
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OTW18 Sessions: Data Engineering and Latch Contentions
Thank you all those who came to my sessions at the OakTable World. Here are
the presentations materials
Think Data; not Database
Data Engineering for Data ...
Il y a 6 ans
Oracle Database EM 18 XE Available to Remote Clients
I found lot of posts about *Oracle Database 18 XE*. It's very interesting
for me. I didn't blog about how to install, because it's very easy for
using rpm...
Il y a 6 ans
Stop/Start all RAC databases at once
Introduction Stopping all RAC databases running on an ORACLE_HOME at once
and saving the state before shutting them down is really helpfull when you
are ...
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Explorative Information Visualization
The power of data visualization At the moment I am taking the course
Explorative Information Visualization at Aalto University. This course
focus on the pr...
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UKOUG London Development and Middleware event - free!
The Oracle development landscape is an extremely broad and complicated one
these days. It covers such a wide range of tools, technologies and
practices it ...
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Strange sessions hang with waits on Latch: Undo Global Data
Just a quick note for those who may face the same issue 😉 Situation was
progressed like this: a lot of sessions waits for Latch: Undo Global Data
with loc...
Il y a 6 ans
Thoughts on the Oracle ACE Program
Four years ago during ODTUG KScope14, I was designated as an Oracle ACE in
the area of Database Development. Vikki Lira, who ran the ACE program at
the tim...
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MySQL 5.6 vs 5.7
Whitelist preview of Performance Insights has just started on RDS MySQL and
it gave me a chance to visually compare load profiles of MySQL 5.6 and 5.7.
I f...
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The Oracle Active Session History (ASH) - a real treasure trove
When Oracle introduced the Active Session History (ASH) a new gate of
tuning and monitoring options was opened. Yes we had statspack, extended
tracing and...
Il y a 6 ans
N.R. Narayanamurthy, Ajith Narayanan, Bulgaria, Sofia, Istanbul, India -
What's the link?
This blogpost was again long pending one, but I was not sure on how to
write this non technical real life experience as a blogpost, as I used to
write o...
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Failover with Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL
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Duplicate database to a diferent server
Prepare OLD database cd $ORACLE_HOME/dbs; cp orapwDBNAME
orapwd file=/oracle/DBNAME/12102/dbs/orapwDBNAME sysdg=yes sysbackup=y...
Il y a 6 ans
if True A else B :
List Comprehension
Il y a 6 ans
Reflecting Changes in Business Objects in UI Tables with Visual Builder
While the quick start wizards in Visual Builder Cloud Service (VBCS) make
it very easy to create tables and other UI components and bind them to
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Reflecting Changes in Business Objects in UI Tables with Visual Builder
While the quick start wizards in Visual Builder Cloud Service (VBCS) make
it very easy to create tables and other UI components and bind them to
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Reflecting Changes in Business Objects in UI Tables with Visual Builder
While the quick start wizards in Visual Builder Cloud Service (VBCS) make
it very easy to create tables and other UI components and bind them to
Il y a 6 ans
Reflecting Changes in Business Objects in UI Tables with Visual Builder
While the quick start wizards in Visual Builder Cloud Service (VBCS) make
it very easy to create tables and other UI components and bind them to
Il y a 6 ans
Reflecting Changes in Business Objects in UI Tables with Visual Builder
While the quick start wizards in Visual Builder Cloud Service (VBCS) make
it very easy to create tables and other UI components and bind them to
Il y a 6 ans
European Privacy Requirements: Considerations for Retailers
When retailers throughout Europe adopt a new set of privacy and security
regulations this week, it will be the first major revision of data
protection gu...
Il y a 6 ans
European Privacy Requirements: Considerations for Retailers
When retailers throughout Europe adopt a new set of privacy and security
regulations this week, it will be the first major revision of data
protection gu...
Il y a 6 ans
5 years
I’ve joined Pythian exactly 5 years ago. Back then I was a performance guy,
with no real DBA and operational support experience. I knew enough about
Il y a 6 ans
Date and Time Format in ASMCMD for File Listing
This is a short blog post to give you an idea how you can define your own
custom date and time format for “ls -l” command in ASMCMD. If you use
ASMCMD qu...
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HDFS: Useful Hadoop Admin Commands
HDFS is designed more for batch processing rather than interactive use by
users. The emphasis is on high throughput of data access rather than low
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Oracle12c R2 Multitenant Container Database Architecture
Oracle12c R2 Database Architecture
*New Features in Oracl...
Il y a 6 ans
Good bye and thanks for the memories!
Hello fellow reader, 8 years ago I set up a goal to share my knowledge with
fellow database engineers via this blog. This resulted in 36 (hopefully,
Il y a 7 ans
#OUGN18 by OUGNorway is approaching
It is “now” time to post about upcoming OUGN 2018 Vårseminar. Since all 3
of my presentations are ready, all logistics are ready and the other stuff
are r...
Il y a 7 ans
#OUGN18 by OUGNorway is approaching
It is “now” time to post about upcoming OUGN 2018 Vårseminar. Since all 3
of my presentations are ready, all logistics are ready and the other stuff
are r...
Il y a 7 ans
Hotsos Symposium 2018
Just a quick note to say I’m doing a couple of talks at this year’s Hotsos
Symposium, which starts next Monday at 8:30AM. It’s not too late to
register. ...
Il y a 7 ans
Deep learning, concepts and frameworks: Find your way through the jungle
Today at OOP in Munich, I had an in-depth talk on deep learning, including
applications, basic concepts as well as practical demos with Tensorflow,
Keras a...
Il y a 7 ans
Oracle Solaris 11.4 Public Beta Released
Yesterday the Oracle Solaris 11.4 Beta was released to the public. You can
download it from OTN to have your go with it. Please read the documentation
to l...
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Why Cloud? The reason changed in 2017…twice
In 2017, the predominant reason companies considered moving to the Cloud
changed *multiple times*. While the “how” tends to shift frequently, seeing
the “...
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Service Contracts Renewal Portal
How to setup and use Service Contracts Renewal Portal Date: August 1,
2012Author: Parag Mone0 Comments Overview Renewing service contracts is an
important ...
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Cloud Networking Basics for the Non CCNA certified – IP Address
As more and more enterprises are migrating their IT deployments to the
Public Cloud, several IT personnel who are not classically trained on
networking the...
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Beware of intensive slow query logging when using -
MySQL slow query log is great for identifying slow queries that are good
candidates for optimisation. Slow query logging is disabled by default, but
it is ...
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Oracle and the Autonomous Database (a personal perspective from afar)
Yeah, if you hadn’t seen that one coming, hmmm, what can I say… Lot’s of…
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The power of scripting
So your system has a neat automated archive and purge function for your
rolling partitions, driven by the PART_RETENTION table which holds the
table name...
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How to Clone Grid Infrastructure binaries for Oracle Server(Standalone)
*Yesterday I was applying patch on one of our development servers and
patch on Grid Home failed with space issue and binaries got corrupted.*
*I thought o...
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My Internship Experience at Pythian
I remember nervously walking out of one of King’s Cross St Pancras
Station’s numerous exits searching for the 7 Stanley Building. I wandered
through the mo...
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DataGuard FastSync : Define the Redo Transport Mode SYNC NOAFFRIM
*FASTSYNC *is a new DataGuard capability available with Oracle Database
12c. The FASTSYNC configures redo transport services for this configuration
member ...
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ORDS 17.3 Beta - Introducing REST enabled SQL
Download Got get it on the normal ORDS download page
Versioning ...
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InnoDB tablespace Encryption
InnoDB tablespace encryption uses a two tier encryption key architecture,
consisting of a master encryption key and tablespace keys. When
an InnoDBtable...
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SQL Diag Repository
Every once in a while I look around the list of new (fixed) views in the
instance trying to find useful / interesting things to add to SQLd360 and
Il y a 7 ans
Why Education-to-Employment is such a Hard Road
When you are young, things change from one year to another in both
education and personal life. That’s why, some like to call youth *the
period of many t...
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Using DML with ADRCI
The Oracle Database has some useful debugging and diagnostics features. One
such utility called the Automatic Diagnostics Repository Command
Interpreter or...
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acroread on Linux 6
As per : Adobe Reader
(acroread) allows users to view and print documents in Portable Document
Format (PDF...
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12.2 ACFS compression, part I
One of the new 12.2 features is the ability to transparently compress ACFS
Compression is enabled using *acfsutil* utility:
[root@raca1 ~]#...
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has moved to -> http://KARLARAO.WIKI
Il y a 7 ans
Oracle Database 12c Release 2 - Long Identifiers
Prior to Oracle Database 12c Release 2 have a problem with long identifier
name, for example, in 11.2 version you cannot create long name (max 30
Bytes) t...
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MySQL Cluster 7.6: The First Milestone
The first Development Milestone Release (DMR) of MySQL Cluster
7.6--7.6.2--is now available! You can see the full changelog for 7.6.2 here.
But before we...
Il y a 7 ans
Whoa! Release News for PHP OCI8, node-oracledb, Python cx_Oracle, Instant
Client and ODPI-C
I'm just catching up on some releases that happened prior/during my
vacation. Here are some things you may have missed tweets on:
PHP OCI8 2...
Il y a 7 ans
Comment acquérir les compétences nécessaires à la transformation digitale
lorsqu'on est partenaire Oracle
Notre vie est de plus en plus interconnectée avec nos appareils. Alors que
les machines sont de plus en plus intelligentes, l'Internet of Things est
Il y a 7 ans
Oracle VM Features: Distributed Resource Scheduler
One of the handy management features of Oracle VM is the Distributed
Resource Scheduler (DRS). DRS lets administrators load balance CPU and
network resou...
Il y a 7 ans
IOUG Collaborate 2017
I have a few presentations scheduled in IOUG Collaborate 2017, Las Vegas.
1. Session: 621: RAC Clusterware internals **Date/time: Mon, Apr 03, 2017
(01:30 ...
Il y a 7 ans
Oracle Database 12c R2 is in General Availability for On-premise Customers
With the announcement of GA for on-premises customers, Oracle Database 12c
R2 is now available everywhere-in the cloud, with Oracle Cloud at Customer,
Il y a 8 ans
Object oriented logging
It is a very common requirement. You need to be able to log the start and
end of procedure and function calls. You also need to log error and
exception eve...
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Oracle Database 12c Release 2 is out and with it Docker build files on
Oracle just released Oracle Database 12c Release 2 for on-premises Linux
and Solaris.
With the Oracle 12c R2 release Oracle has also released the latest ...
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User-based filters in query zones
whilst developing query zones is relatively well documented, the ability to
filter output based on the currently logged on user is less well defined,
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Announcing the 2016 PL/SQL Challenge Championship for Database Design
In 2016, 340 people answered 6,185 quizzes in the Database Design quiz on
the PL/SQL Challenge. I'm pleased to see so many people taking an interest
in h...
Il y a 8 ans
The Relational Data Model
Mid-eighties. I was studying Computer Science. Little did I know back then
that this thing called "The Relational Data Model" (RDM) would become huge
in th...
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“library cache lock” waits from many concurrent DBMS_JOB.submit() operations
I have faced performance issue on one of production database in banking
environment. From AWR report I found that “library cache lock” as the top
wait ev...
Il y a 8 ans
Setting up Transport Layer Security/Secure Sockets Layer for Managed ODP.NET
*[I was chatting with ODP.NET product manager, Alex Keh, and he let me know
about some known issues that developers currently face when using managed
Il y a 8 ans
Book on Oracle 12c New features
A Book on Oracle 12c New features for administrators Hi All, It’s our
pleasure to announce the availability of our first book – OCP 12c upgrade
1Z0-060 Exa...
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Do you suffer from Storage Stockholm Syndrome?
The last year at DSSD (now a part of Dell EMC) has been an extremely
interesting one for me, and I’ve learned a great deal, which is always
good. Some of t...
Il y a 8 ans
On issuing commit from database PL/SQL
There was something of a storm on Twitter on 12-Oct-2016. Twitter is a nice
medium for, say, showing a photo to your followers or referring them to an
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Oracle back-port patches for Adaptive performance issues released for 12.1
(dynamic stats)
Previously I wrote about performance issues with 12.1 Adaptive features,
specifically the large number of dynamic statistics checks, usually
triggered by t...
Il y a 8 ans
Performance aspects of APEX reports
As this post appears, I'm presenting on this subject for the Dutch Oracle
User Group OGh. This blog post won't contain as much detail as the
presentation i...
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Oracle CX Partner Enablement Summit – North America
Join us at the Oracle Headquarters in Redwood Shores, CA to continue to
develop your CX practices and solutions based on Oracle’s CX Platform
Il y a 8 ans
#doag2016 and we are presenting!!
Portrix Systems will be at #doag2016… and we will be presenting too!! Each
day of the conference, members of the Portrix Systems staff will be active!
On T...
Il y a 8 ans
Reasons to upgrade to Enterprise Manager 13.2
Before, during and after the Open World, I have received numerous queries
on the release of Enterprise Manager 13.2. This is an important release for *En...
Il y a 8 ans
Favor Skeletal Implementation in Java
Skeletal implementation is a design by which we can use the benefits of the
interface and abstract class together.
The Java Collection API has adopted th...
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Segment Statistics
rem******************************************************** rem Show
Segments with the highest Lock waits rem André Karlsson rem
Il y a 8 ans
SQLfail? SQLwin!
update sqlfail set last_posting_date = date'2016-08-18'; It’s been a while
since I’ve published here. You see, I’ve been kind of busy. Back in January
Il y a 8 ans
Database Olympics - Training for the Medals?
I will admit, I have been inspired by watching the Olympics. The work,
training and even reinventing that the athletes do to be successful at the
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ORA-00600 [2663], [12], ....
After not having spotted ORA-00600 for a while a new one showed up.
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [2663], [12], [3665664941],
[12], [38847178...
Il y a 8 ans
The User Experience (UX) Lab: Onsite Usability Testing at OpenWorld
Heading to Oracle OpenWorld? The Oracle Applications User Experience (OAUX)
team will be hosting the usability lab at Oracle’s largest conference of
the ...
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Critical Patch Update for July 2016 Now Available
The Critical Patch Update (CPU) for July 2016 was released on July 19, 2016
and Oracle strongly recommends applying the patches as soon as possible. A
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STEP1: Download Patch 3636980 “Support Diagnostics (IZU) patch for AD
Splice” from My Oracle Support. STEP2: Manually copy the three .txt files
from the 36...
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SQL Joins
Codeproject has this image which explains the simple basics of SQL joins,
taken from:
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“ASH math” of time_waited explained with pictures and simulation
As explained by John Beresniewicz, Graham Wood and Uri Shaft in their
excellent overview ASH architecture and advanced usage, avg(
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zabbix dbsyncers and caching for log items - in version 3.0.1
I am using zabbix for about a year now and it still has not shown me all
power that is inside. One of the things that is very interesting to know
more ab...
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RAC Installation Step by Step
Hi All, Please find the below link for RAC installation document for
reference. Click here for RAC Installation doc link Cheers, Sachin
Il y a 8 ans
Get the Familiar Database You Trust, In the Cloud
With Oracle Database Cloud, you can have up to 3x mirroring of storage for
data redundancy, 100% system backup and restore, plus data centers in
Il y a 8 ans
Moving Sideways
The past two years have seen a lot of change in my life :-
- I moved to Singapore thinking it would be for a year or two at least
and is now looking ...
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Moving Sideways
The past two years have seen a lot of change in my life :-
- I moved to Singapore thinking it would be for a year or two at least
and is now looking ...
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Formation Performance Oracle à Genève le 18 mai 2016
Une journée de formation Performance Oracle est organisée par le Swiss
Oracle User Group le 18 mai 2016 à Genève.
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Help Celebrate One Million Answers at the PL/SQL Challenge!
*Sometime* in the next couple of months, someone will submit the
1,000,000th answer on the PL/SQL Challenge.
And Chris Saxon, member of the AskTom Answer...
Il y a 8 ans
Last December I presented at Tech15, the largest Oracle conference in the
Europe. Many thanks to the organizing team of this great conference. Here
is my p...
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Weblogic and Oracle HTTP Server install with /tmp
Lately I have had to install Weblogic 12.1 and OHS 12.1 on a Linux server
in silent mode.
Somehow, there was very small space left on the default temporary...
Il y a 9 ans
Denodo Server - Setup & configure Cache Database to MySQL:
*Denodo Server - Setup & configure Cache Database: - Bottlenecks*
*Step1: *
Install the Denodo Server by clicking the executable and follow the steps ...
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Client support for WITH using PL/SQL
My employer has been using 12c for about a year now, migrating away from
11gR2. It's fun working out the new functionality, including wider use of
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Restoring and Recovering the Database on a New Host using RMAN
This blog will demonstrate detailed steps to restore a database on New Host
using RMAN. You can also use it to move a production database to new host
Il y a 9 ans
OCI Client-Side Deployment in 12C
The 12c version has introduced a new features called “OCI Client-Side
Deployment Parameters” this feature gives you the possibility to override
some OCI pa...
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Moving my blog!
Hi All! I just wanted to let you know I’ve moved my blog to I’m going to hide all content from this site as it will
be available from th...
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Point In Time Recovery Using Binlog In MySQL-Part 1
Lets see how we can recover our database or tables using MySQL Binary logs.
To avail this feature make sure that BINARY LOGS are enabled in MySQL.Here
We ...
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Docker Containers and Delphix Architecture
I use wordpress for my personal blog. Works fine on it’s own. It is just me
making a few posts here and there. Occasionally there are problems like an
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ODI Interface'lerinde çalışma süresiyle ilgili performans iyileştirmeleri
Bir önceki yazımda ODI Uygulama Performans İyileştirme calısmasına ek
olarak ,du yazımdada ODI üzerinden yapılan geliştirmelerde yaşanılan
Il y a 9 ans
Oracle Clusterware - Startup (Internals)
It's an long standing post for me to share how the CRS start-up works.
Hope every one known with pictorial representation of CRS start-up provided
in orac...
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Giúp nam giới điều trị ung thư tinh hoàn bằng nấm lim xanh
Ung thư tinh hoàn là một căn bệnh chỉ xuất hiện ở nam giới liên
quan đến chức nắng sinh sản. Căn bệnh này có thể xuất hiện ở bất kỳ độ tuổi
Il y a 9 ans
Mystats utility
A variation on Jonathan Lewis's SNAP_MY_STATS package to report the
resource consumption of a unit of work between two snapshots. Designed to
work under co...
Il y a 9 ans
Grants to retrieve SQL_MONITOR
A quick post as I have been struggling to get the full list of object level
grants to be able to retrieve the output of
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How to Find the Optimal Configuration for Your Virtualized Environment
Thanks to the New York Oracle User Group for allowing me to present and to
all who attended for their valuable questions and comments. The
presentation sho...
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Tip of the day – Grouping and counting continuous entries
Problem:A colleague of mine had the problem to group continuous entries of
same type to be able t...
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ACCESSIBLE BY clause versus Function Based Indexes
Oracle introduced the ACCESSIBLE BY clause in 12c to improve the security
of subrograms. Basically the scenario is following: Let’s create a tax
stored fun...
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DOAG 2015: Best of Oracle Security 2015
Yesterday I gave my yearly presentation “Best of Oracle Security 2015” at
the DOAG 2015 conference in Nürnberg. In this presentation I
showed different Ora...
Il y a 9 ans
Things Be-a-Changin' - "OTN Garage" Will be Called "OTN Systems Hub" Very
Oracle OpenWorld 2015 | OTN Systems Hub
Hi Y'all,
As I have mentioned a few months ago, the *OTN Garage* name will be
changing to *OTN Systems Hub*. Thi...
Il y a 9 ans
Database Link between Oracle Database and SQL Server Database
Here is link of this post Database Link between Oracle Database and SQL
Server Database This site moved to please
visit dbacatalog....
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Oracle APEX 5.0.2 now available
Oracle Application Express 5.0.2 is now released and available for
download. If you wish to download the full release of Oracle Application
Express 5.0.2, ...
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Exadata Upgrade
Recently we have upgraded our Exadata from to
I am mentioning the steps in brief kindly return to MOS Doc ID 888828.1 for
full d...
Il y a 9 ans
Client Connection Fails to Instance on Linux
I faced with a problem which clients were failing to connect to a DB2
instance on linux. To check it out I logged on to the system as root and
tried to "s...
Il y a 9 ans
Automation for DBA - Vagrant part 2
In the last post I presented steps to create Virtual Machine using Vagrant
with Virtual Box. It is a native combination but there are other
Il y a 9 ans
Exadata Software is Released
Good new features announced, such as finding Flash Cache and Flash Log
statistics on AWR, automatic ASM data redundancy check even shutting down a
storage ...
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Using the Spark Event Timeline
Source: Using the Spark Event Timeline
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db file scattered read, db file sequential read & direct read wait events
As Oracle DBA's we come across these wait events in most environments. We
will discuss their definitions and see what we can do to reduce them.
*db file sc...
Il y a 9 ans
Fill the Glass Episode 4 with Jorge Rimblas!
Measuring software performance in the real world Featured Speaker: Jorge
Rimblas September 11, 2015 | 10:00am–11:00am CST Jorge is your Been There
Done Tha...
Il y a 9 ans
Make Your Nominations: Oracle Database Developer Choice Awards
I Did. You Should. Here's the Nomination Form. Here's Why:
The Oracle Database Developer Choice Awards celebrate and recognize
technical expertise and ...
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Oracle University Provides the Best Test Fests
Oracle University Certification Exams Are once again available at Test
Fests at various events. Last year at the TECH14 and APPS14 conferences,
the UK Orac...
Il y a 9 ans
Oracle University Provides the Best Test Fests
Oracle University Certification Exams Are once again available at Test
Fests at various events. Last year at the TECH14 and APPS14 conferences,
the UK Orac...
Il y a 9 ans
Patient-Centered Chronic Care Plan
In January 2015, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) announced a
new initiative: Chronic Care Management (CCM). CCM is intended to assist
Il y a 9 ans
Windows 10 and E-Business Suite
Tomorrow (July 29, 2015) we will see the release of Windows 10 into the
wild. PC's all over the world that aren't under "enterprise control" have
been si...
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Frequently asked questions about Nashorn and Node.js
During many of my talks about Nashorn, Node.js on the JVM and related
topics, I frequently get asked these kinds of questions and I'd like to try
to give s...
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Xeoma Review
I decided to write a CCTV review after our bank mail started to disappear
from our mailbox. I have learned quickly that simply purchasing cheap
camera won’...
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Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2: Technical Planning, Getting Started,
and Go-Live Checklist
This link helps you plan your move to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2,
providing the following resources: An in-depth Oracle E-Business …
Continue rea...
Il y a 9 ans
Printing a large XMLTYPE value using DBMS_OUTPUT
As a sort of primitive debugging-method I wanted to show the contents of an
XMLTYPE variable using DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE. When you want to extract the
Il y a 9 ans
Monitoring Oracle GoldenGate Latency
Today I've implemented an approach to monitor OGG latency. Here I will
describe what I've done.
*1. Create a table gg_latency in source and target databa...
Il y a 9 ans
Sorry about late approval of comments....
Just wanted to apologize about the late approval of a couple of comments. I
thought I'd approved them but when I got on to do a blog entry I found that
Il y a 9 ans
How to Relocate the MySQL Binary Logs to New Location
The binary logs are created in the data directory by default in MySQL
To have the binary logs in the data directory is not always the optimal
Il y a 9 ans
Another blog on Oracle Standard Edition
Recently I found a blog dedicated on Oracle Standard Edition too. It’s from
Ann Sjökvist and it’s available at this URL:
Il y a 9 ans
New blog to handle the PJC/Bean articles
Here is the link to another place that stores the PJCs/Beans article
without adds. Francois
Il y a 9 ans
Top Challenges in the Life of an IT Capacity Manager
Let me first confess. I don’t have double-digit years of experience in IT
Capacity Management. But I would say, during last 9 years I have defined
the proc...
Il y a 10 ans
Oracle Database In-Memory Advisor Released
Oracle Database In-Memory option was released with Oracle Database 12c
( and the In-Memory Advisor (IMA) has been much awaited since
then. The Or...
Il y a 10 ans
Maintaining Tempfile in TEMP Tablespace of PDB$SEED in Oracle 12c (
During testing recovery procedures for one of the ongoing projects I
wanted to test the "complete disaster" recovery scenario. In this scenario
I had to r...
Il y a 10 ans
How To Approach Different Oracle Database Performance Problems
This page has been permanently moved. Please CLICK HERE to be redirected.
Thanks, Craig. How To Approach Different Oracle Database Performance
Problems J...
Il y a 10 ans
12c New features
1.1 Advanced Index Compression
Advanced Index Compression works well on all supported indexes, including
those indexes that are not good candidates for the ...
Il y a 10 ans
Find it. Fix it. Real-World SQL Tuning Cases - Jan. 13 Webinar Followup
If you missed my January 13th webinar entitled "Find it. Fix it. Real-World
SQL Tuning Cases" you can now access the recording and download the
Il y a 10 ans
Shifting IT to scale
While some IT groups are fine tuning their practices, many others are
still on the journey to achieve greater efficiency at scale. Not all can
make this s...
Il y a 10 ans
Continuing the story
One of my 2015 new year's resolutions, was to finish the story I started
on this blog. The story being a talk that I had delivered a couple of times
3-4 y...
Il y a 10 ans
Shrink a datafile, when ALTER TABLESPACE COALESCE is not working.
In a database, we tried to reclaim space from USERS tablespace.
We faced a problem.
We use the following query to the the end of a particular USERS'...
Il y a 10 ans
What To Do If A Concurrent Request Is Inactive With No Manager Status?
APPLIES TO: Oracle Concurrent Processing - Version to 12.2
[Release 11.5 ...
Il y a 10 ans
No Write Permission on ACFS Mount Point
Last night, I managed to create the ACFS Mount Point after resolving the
issue *"ACFS-9459: ASVM/ACFS is not supported on this os version"*. But,
after ...
Il y a 10 ans
GoldenGate Active-Active replication using CONFLICTRESOLUTION
*Database Version*
*OS Version*
OEL 6 – 64 Bit
OEL 6 – 64 Bit
Il y a 10 ans
Testing 123
This is is testing message. Pls ignore.
Il y a 10 ans
Oracle encrypted table data found unencrypted in SGA
When data needs to be kept private, or companies are worried about data
leakage, then they often choose to store that data in encrypted columns in
the tabl...
Il y a 10 ans
How to encrypt the data (tablespace or column's table) using a software
keystore previously known as Oracle Wallet
To create a standard Oracle wallet and then add a master key to it you have
to follow few basic steps:
*1) Configure the sqlnet.ora file to define a file sy...
Il y a 10 ans
brew install sqlplus
Gee, that didn’t work. For those of you wondering about the title of this
post, I’m referring to the brew package manager for Mac OS — a nice utility
for i...
Il y a 10 ans
_direct_read_decision_statistcs_driven, _small_table_threshold and direct
path reads on partitioned tables in (Part 2)
This is continuation of my last post regarding direct path reads on
partitioned tables in Oracle
To recap, the behavior I observed is that direc...
Il y a 10 ans
On Error Messages
Here’s a pet peeve of mine: Customers who don’t read the error messages.
The usual symptom is a belief that there is just on error: “Doesn’t work”,
and tha...
Il y a 10 ans
Step by Step Creating Asm instance and database
Click Add Button
Click Next Button
Click Next Button
Click ide and next Button
Size 3gb
Click Next Button
Click Finish Button
Add another one disk 3g...
Il y a 10 ans
Visit and Bookmark the My Oracle Support Blog
Untitled Document
[image: MOS Icon] The My Oracle Support Blog continues the "Get Proactive"
discussion and covers all topics related to My Oracle Suppor...
Il y a 10 ans
A New Challenge
About two years ago Joyent began offering Linux instances, running under
KVM, stored on ZFS, and secured by Zones (“double hull virtualization”).
Since the...
Il y a 11 ans
Cluster Definition
In Oracle, *clustering* is a way of ordering the physical placement of
tables on a disk drive in such a way as to speed up I/O access times. This
is accom...
Il y a 11 ans
Upcoming Events...
I took some time off from the road at the beginning of 2014 - getting ready
to get back on the road again, lots of trips scheduled from February till
the e...
Il y a 11 ans
How to find out all default values in init.ora?
This small test case shows it. [oracle@node1 ~]$ echo $ORACLE_HOME
/u01/app/oracle/product/ [oracle@node1 ~]$ cd
$ORACLE_HOME/dbs [oracle@...
Il y a 11 ans
Auditing a user in Oracle
Do you need to audit a user in your Oracle database? AUDIT ALL BY JOEUSER
Il y a 11 ans
Yeni Blog
Kendime ait blog adresim . Bundan sonraki
yazılarımı den takip edebilirsiniz.
Il y a 11 ans
User defined locking with DBMS_LOCK
User defined locks with DBMS_LOCKS often brings up unexpected results,
especially when it occurs within a mix of transactions in an application
layer. Ther...
Il y a 11 ans
12C ADG Enhancements
- *Explain plan now works on Standby*
SQL> select database_role from v$database;
Il y a 11 ans
latency heatmaps in D3 and Highcharts
See Brendan Gregg’s blog on how important and cool heatmaps can be for
showing latency information and how average latency hides what is really
going on: ...
Il y a 11 ans
oratop from MOS
This is just a pointer post to a tool which I discovered today. It is
ORATOP, to monitor databases real time like top of unix flavours. It is
pretty much l...
Il y a 11 ans
The ateamsoab2b blogs have been moved to
The A-Team has a new web site: The A-Team Chronicles
All of our articles and posts from various locations, including this site,
have been consolidated th...
Il y a 11 ans
Aggregated Lists: Creating Aggregated List Strings - ListAgg() Function.
Oracle's ListAgg() Function -- Or Other Methods.
Given the following sample data shown below, we want to aggregate the
elements into a single, comma sep...
Il y a 11 ans
Something for the future
A nice little feature in Oracle Database 12c is to query patching
information via SQL. You can do this from SQLPlus or any other SQL
interface jdbc/odbc ...
Il y a 11 ans
Some Of Basic Questionnaire For Newly Release Oracle Database 12c
1) What is an Pluggable database really?
Ans-> This is new feature in oracle 12.1 release with respect to database.
With this release there is a paren...
Il y a 11 ans
How to Move USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA like a Grandpa
Sometimes moving a small amount of data in Oracle database requires more
work than the actual task you need to complete. DBAs always have their
tools (PL/S...
Il y a 11 ans
ReUse flag in PeopleSoft AE program – Bind variable issue and its impact on
It has been long since I blogged as I got busy. Personally I became a
Father and officially, I moved to PeopleSoft Performance and Benchmark(P&B)
Il y a 11 ans
Hotsos 2013 A personal Touch 3/4 – Third Day
After having a good sleep I attended the first session in the morning from
George Djerdj Srdanov with a presentation called “How to Get the Most Out
of You...
Il y a 11 ans
Little Changed
Incredible and depressing to see people still getting Oracle internals as
wrong as this.
Il y a 12 ans
Profile Baselines Patches
Whats the difference … I should have written this one earlier but better
late than never. So, lots of DBA’s might me thinking, why oracle has 3 ways
to acc...
Il y a 12 ans
Add Code w/ Syntax Highlighting to PowerPoint
…or any media that supports rich text or HTML. I often include
code-snippets or queries in technical presentations. I find them much more
visually appealin...
Il y a 12 ans
SQL 2008 Active-active cluster on windows 2008 R2 Share storage migration
This is my POC doc before we migrate our production sql 2008 cluster to new
storage. it has two parts: first part simply install the cluster on 2 ESX
VM im...
Il y a 12 ans
Hash Semi Right Join : Oracle Tuning Tip#27
Hash Semi Right Join
As described semi-join in previous forum (Tip#25), a semi-join between two
tables returns rows from the outer ...
Il y a 12 ans
Identify memory leak in Java app
One important advantage of java is programer don't care memory management
and GC handle it well. Maybe this is one reason why java is more popular.
As J...
Il y a 12 ans
E-Business Suite R12 integration with Oracle Identity Management 11g
After successful implementations of Oracle SSO 10g with Oracle E-Business
Suite 11i and R12, I have now completed an installation and implementation
of th...
Il y a 12 ans
GoldenGate error OGG-01755 SQL error: OCI Error 26,723 = ORA-26723
I was trying to register extract OGG v 11.2 on one of my dev servers GGSCI
( 1> dblogin userid srvegate password xxxxx
Il y a 12 ans
A secret treasure house of Oracle books
One of the most prolific publishers of Oracle technology and application
books - *Packt Publishing *just published its 1000 cover. Packt books are
written ...
Il y a 12 ans
The Two Ways of Doing a Job
Whether it's deployment, development, performance tuning, troubleshooting
or something else, there are two fundamentally different ways of doing your
job: ...
Il y a 12 ans
A look at System Statistics
- Till 8i Analyze command was used to collect statistics. However
Analyse has following Problems :
1).Doesn't support External Tables.
Il y a 12 ans
An introduction to SQL Tuning : Basic Optimizer Operations
An introduction to SQL Tuning : Basic Optimizer Operations.
Setup SQL Tuning sample schema
1. Full Table scan
2. Index Fast Full scans
3. Index Full sc...
Il y a 13 ans
Oracle database on IBM Power systems with LPAR
Quite often I have been involved into discussions on Oracle database tuning
or best practices for IBM AIX machines especially logically partitioned
Il y a 13 ans
Waiting for “PX Deq Credit: send blkd”?
Occasionally I hear someone talking about how to reduce the waiting time of
the event “PX Deq Credit: send blkd”. And it’s not uncommon to also realize
Il y a 13 ans
AUDIT : principes
*Paramètres d'initialisation concernant l'audit :*
SQL> col name for a25
SQL> col value for a45
SQL> select name, value from v$parameter w...
Il y a 13 ans
I will now be blogging mostly over at the venerable blog of my employer,
Rittman Mead. You can see my first posting here: Web Services in BI
Publisher 11g....
Il y a 13 ans
Edition Based Redefinition Part 3
This is the third part in a series about the new Edition based Redefinition
functionality of Oracle 11gR2. The first two parts are here: Part 1 Part 2
In t...
Il y a 13 ans
Debug mode for MOS
Had an SR in which I learned about a debug mode for FLASH MOS (tried it in
HTML, no go *grin*). Hold down the Control key and click on the Oracle My
Il y a 13 ans
OraSRP 4.1.0
First time I've read about LOBREAD lines in 10046 traces in Vladimir
Begun's blog-post dated Jun 2, 2010. I've tried to reproduce such trace in
my environm...
Il y a 13 ans
The Last Post...
- least here, on this blog as I’ve moved over to
now.I’ve copied all the posts from here across to the new blog, but I will
also be...
Il y a 13 ans
Interesting case of the restriction of global hints
One of my colleagues sent following test case, of which he couldn’t control
the join order with hints. 1. Create objects – table t1, t2 and t3 2. Now
Il y a 14 ans
Materialized View
MVIEW refresh Status on MASTER Site :
set pages 1000
set linesize 180
col SNAPSHO...
Il y a 14 ans
oow 2010 presentation slides
Here are the slides of the presentation I did yesterday: OOW2010 Christian
Bilien. The room was full and I noticed a number of people were standing at
the ...
Il y a 14 ans
Composite Interval Partitioning isn't as advertised.
Oracle® Database VLDB and Partitioning Guide 11g Release 1 (11.1) Part
Number B32024-01 says:
Interval Partitioning
Interval partitioning is an extensi...
Il y a 14 ans
Quick Tip: Counting Cursors
Counting the number of open cursors in a database instance can be a
confusing activity. Perhaps an application has received an "ORA-01000:
maximum open c...
Il y a 15 ans
Blog relocation
I've decided to move on from TypePad, and I'm now blogging at (RSS ) See you there...
Il y a 15 ans
APP-FND-01564: ORACLE error 31202 in changepassword
We had this issue in our production this morning. Our dedicated sysadmin
team were not able to change any user password from frontend. They were
receiving ...
Il y a 15 ans
Having more than 4GB of RAM on x86 Linux
When you do some googling on having more than 4GB of RAM on a 32bit x86
Linux system you usually get a lot of responses like: it's not possible,
you won't ...
Il y a 16 ans
★ 5 Links from Around the Web (2007-04-10)
Links to interesting, educational, informational, or just plain fun
Il y a 17 ans
Moving to WordPress
Blogger irritates me. Let's see if Wordpress makes me happy.
I've used the supplied import functionality to move over po...
Il y a 18 ans
Difference between SCN and checkpoint.
SCN and checkpoint:
System change number(SCN) is represented with SCN_WRAP and SCN_BASE.
Whenever SCN_BASE reaches 4294967290 (2 power 32), SCN_WRAP goes u...
Il y a 18 ans
Here is a collection of posts on installing (a) Virtual Box (b) Oracle Enterprise Linux 6 (c) 12c Grid Infrastructure (Standalone, non-Clustered) and ASM (d) 12c Database with CDB and PDB.